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Now, it's your turn.
The AlphaLink DevCard® is our newest landmark in the field of STM development boards. At the size of a credit card, you find the STM32F103 with everything you need: USB connectors, CAN connectors, user LED + button, SD card reader, and a lot more.
STAY TUNED: With our plug-in cards you can even go further: build your own hardware simulator or add WLAN for remote access. Everything you want - always in hand.
With the STM32F103, you can use most third-party tutorials as they build upon this microcontroller. As a development board, the DevCard® has also an edge over other development boards. Find a full list of the components and features here:
STM32F103 Microcontroller
Micro SD card slot
1x USB-C connector for USART
1x USB-C connector for USB 2.0 Full-Speed (FS) device controller
22x GPIO pins
1x CAN transceiver with CAN high, CAN low and ground connectors
1x external connector for 3.3 V
1x external connector for 5 V
1x pin connector for debugger (SWCLK, SWDIO, ground, 3.3 V)
1x pin connector for USART (3.3 V, RX, TX, ground)
1x pin connector for I2C (SCL, SDA, ground, 3.3 V)
1x free button on the board
1x reset button
1x LED on the board
Programmable via USB-C connector and JTAG

The PRO is now available!
- stronger performance (STM32F446 Microcontroller)
- additional IC2
- additional programmable LED
- now with STLink and 4 jumper wires!
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